Preferred Partners
We want to offer members of The Virtual Tavern lots of benefits just for being a member. We are going to start working with brands to offer members discounts and deals to Taverners. If you have a business and would like to work with us, get in touch by emailing us at: landlord@thevirtualtavern2020.com
As well as offering discounts to members all our preferred partners also support the tavern by donating funds to The Virtual Tavern CIC non for profit
To visit a preferred partner simply click the relevant image.
Kelly Sunsine Travel
Our new Travel Partner Kelly will be handling all our Tavern Travel enquiries.
Get 3 or 5 surprise activities per month. We hve a special disocunt for the first month. Click image above for details.
Serendipity House
A great clothing and giftshop in Kirkham. Get 10% Discount off every purchase as a tavern member. Use code Tavern10.
Become a Partner
We you like to work with us?
With over 48,000 members its a great way to promote your brand. Click the image to get in touch.
Easy Fundraising
If you shop online, please sign up to this FREE site and download the app. Brands will donate to The Tavern for every purchase you make.
Peaceful Minds
If you have a phobia or want help making changes in your life, contact Kath for a bespoke hynotherapy session.