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We Have Our WINNERS !


Firstly Thank You to everyone who entered the Pure Joy giveaway. There are 4 unique functional mushroom blends so we will have 4 winners!

Each winner will receive a pure joy blend (depending on which draw they entered).

Each blend has unique properties that are meticulously designed to eiher elevate your beauty sleep, enhance mental clarity, energise your mornings, or rejuvenate your skin.

Our winners are:-

Morning Blend

Congratualtions to Julie Corrigan

Mind & Mood

Congratualtions to Janette McMylor

Skin & Hair

Congratualtions to Kirsty Doyle

Evening Blend

Congratualtions to Simon Robey

But fear not if you aren't one of our lucky winners, we have a discount code you can use to get your self 10% off any of the amazing blends.

Simply head over to their wesbite at:-

and use discount code TAVERN10 at chechout.


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