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THANK YOU! šŸ šŸ


Updated: Apr 24, 2023

Just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU from myself and all the team for another successful Tavern on Tour event on Saturday. šŸ

The Tour events are never an easy job to arrange and a big Thank you goes to Steph Braithwaite for managing the impossible task of finding a city centre venue that wasn't over Ā£1000 just for the room. As with every event we learn lessons about when we might want to do better next time, so all constructive feedback is welcome. šŸ

Unfortunately, we are never going to please everyone and put on events everywhere in the UK. Trying to arrange a venue further afield and remotely is a mammoth task. For this reason, this will be the last Tavern on Tour event for a while, but rest assured we have other plans being made as we speak. We have one BIG announcement coming soon! šŸ

I am also delighted to say that we raised Ā£151.00 on the raffle, which will be donated to our chosen charity for the event, Lifeshare; a homeless charity in Manchester. Lifeshare is a voluntary organisation established to help meet the needs of homeless and vulnerable people in Manchester and Salford and The Virtual Tavern are delighted to be donating the raffle proceeds to this worthy cause. šŸ

Some of the photos from the event have already been put onto our website gallery. If you have any, please head over to the gallery and hit SEND PHOTO so we can add some of yours too. šŸ




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