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Our Last Weekly Quiz


Updated: Apr 25, 2023

As life starts to get back to some sort of normality and due to work commitments we won't be doing the weekly quizzes and instead will be doing more Ad hoc events etc. We had a great turn out for the last weekly quiz with all our regulars and lots of new faces taking part to. Please find below a list of all the winners and the prizes won. If you are on the list please click SUBMIT BLOG above and send us your name and address info. Please don't send by other channels as this makes it hard to collate all the info. Cheers guys.

Winners List

John Buckley - Tavern Mug Leanne Wilson - Beer Tap Beth Goodwin - 4 Beer mats  Sean Dean  - Hip Flask Justin Haller - Coffee Maker The Evans - Timothy Taylor T-Shirt and Mug 

Angharad - Plug in Heater Samuel Edwards - Electrical Food chopper Rosalind Smyth - Timothy Taylor Hoodie

Nicola Youngs - Beer Tap Dave Hilton - Deep Fat Fryer Rachel Williams - Printed Hoodie  Hayley Hilton - Timothy Taylor Beers  Stuart Robinson - Plug in heater  Clare Pritchard - 4 Beer mats  Susie Bambridge - Steam Cleaner 

Just some of the prize won over the past few weeks..


Big Thank you everyone who supported the quizzes including members and our two main sponsors Fine & Country & Ultimate Products


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