We are 4 years old today!
Who would have thought, when we first set up this little group to help get people through lockdown, that we would still be going strong 4 years later? We've gone from 100 or so friends getting together on a Wednesday for a weekly quiz, to over 47,500 members across 99 different countries. We would still love to smash that 50k barrier, so keep spreading the word ;-)
From the very beginning, we wanted the tavern to be a safe space on Facebook where members could be themselves without fear of judgment and a place of kindness. Our main ethos is, 'if you see a post and have nothing positive to contribute towards it, just scroll on'. Every post can't be to everyone's taste, but in a world where it's so easy to feel like you need to have (and voice) an opinion from behind a keyboard, we wanted the tavern to be different. A place where you stop and think first and self-edit. It's all too easy to type negative comments without thinking about how they might affect the other person, but once it's out there it's too late. So yes we heavily police incoming posts but that's to help keep it a welcoming place for everyone. We also have to worry about the Facebook police as we often receive admin warnings for the silliest of things that would be fine to post on your own profile. So if we sometimes look like we decline things for no reason, trust me it's much more work to decline and put a reason than it is to simply hit accept. We know from past warning etc which posts will get us into trouble or will get heated.
We have rules that we ask new members to agree to before joining which include, no politics, no sports, no religion, as these topics always seem to be so divisive. As a result, we have managed to build a community that is both supportive of each other and lifts each other up. Let's face it in the current climate there is enough bad news and fighting in the world, so we all need a bit of positivity.

To celebrate our Birthday we are giving away 2 x First Edition Virtual Tavern beermats to every member for FREE (just pay the P&P cost of £1).
We don't have enough for all 47,500 members so they are subject to availability, and once they are gone they will no longer appear on the website.
So don't waste any time, get yours HERE
Also for those who came to the last Tavern on Tour Trip to Benidorm, after numerous requests, we have added the souvenir tour mug to the shop too. Available on the same link above. For the hardened Tour Goers It just wouldn't feel right without having a complete Tour set :-)