At the Virtual Tavern, we are always looking for ways to help our members and love to team up with businesses to give prizes and giveaways. As we want to make sure our members look after themselves and drink responsibly, we've teamed up with the guys at STONK to bring you a way to replace and maintain lost vitamins and minerals caused by drinking alcohol.
These great products have been added to our webshop so you can get your hands on them for just £6.25 for a box of 6 sachets.

To celebrate this new collaboration, we are giving 4 lucky members a chance to get their hands on a box for FREE.
To enter the FREE Draw just register for a ticket on our events page.
Winners will be announced on the 31st of August 2021. And as if that's not enough, STONK are also giving us an introductory offer and have set up a discount code exclusively to Tavern Members. Just enter Coupon code STONKVIP on our webshop to get your box for just £5 !! That's not even £1 a sachet